.. ChiLin documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Mon Jun 25 17:22:14 2012. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least rep_control_output contain the root `toctree` directive. ChIP-seq Data quality and Analysis Pipeline =========================================== Introduction ============ * ChIP-seq experiment has been a mature and wide-spread technique for detecting the transcription factor, histone modification and chromatin regulator distribution on the genome scale. DNase-seq is a high-throughput technoque for finding the markers of open chromatin regions. * Along with the popularity of the technique and the increasingly huge number of highthroughput datasets, it may be confusing for biologists to get a quick and easy access to understand their biological meaning, and the same important thing is the unbiased judgement of the data quality. So, it's necessary for us to establish a universal and user-friendly ChIP-seq data analysis pipeline for biologists. * For bioinformaticians, this may be one of the most extensible and flexible ChIP-seq and DNase-seq pipeline implemented with python so far. * ChiLin has been used in many Cistrome related projects which generated thousands of ChIP-seq and DNase-seq datasets. **Features** ChiLin_ provides a more flexible solution for understanding the ChIP-seq analysis workflow. ChiLin_ is intimately part of the Cistrome_ project. ChiLin has been fully tested on Ubuntu, CentOS, and Mac, and validate nearly 9000 datasets on centos 6.0 with slurm_ system, the metrics will be released after the publish of ChiLin paper. Cistrome related quality metrics will be released along with the paper. .. _ChiLin: http://cistrome.org/chilin .. _Cistrome: http://cistrome.org .. _slurm: https://computing.llnl.gov/linux/slurm/ * :download:`QC report Summary Table instructions<../chilin2/modules/summary/instructions.pdf>` * :download:`demo reports` .. * :download:`PDF version manual <_build/latex/ChiLin.pdf>` * :ref:`Instructions to data analysis results` Table of contents ================= .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 Installation Manual API Appendix ------ **Getting help** Any question on installation or runnning is appreciated, please mail to 1410771@tongji.edu.cn. **reference** Manuscript is being submitted. Others ====== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`search` .. * :ref:`modindex`