Before running MARGE, make sure the following software is installed in system:
1. Python2.7 or newer; Or Python3.4 or newer
2. snakemake (>=3.4.1 is strongly recommended)
3. HDF5 ( >= 1.8.7 is strong recommended)
4. MACS2 ( >= 2.1.0 is strong recommended)
Download the above four programs and simply put them in a directory (you might need to change the path for these programs in the configure file described below)
MARGE Installation, some dependencies (python packages) should installed first:
1. Install setuptools and argparse
2. Install numpy
3. Install scipy
4. Install sklearn
5. Install tables
6. Install twobitreader
Download the zip file of MARGE
$ cd Py2_MARGE (Py3_MARGE)